ATV Agro Tour - Denai Kabus
ATV Agro Tour - Denai Kabus

Cabaran memandu ATV menaiki dan menuruni bukit dikelilingi dusun Musang King serta menikmati keindahan Denai Kabus dengan latar belakang ikon 'The twin sisters of Hulu Perak,' Gunung Kenderong dan Kerunai.
Rider 16 tahun ke atas: RM50
Tambahan rider: RM 25
Maksimum: 2 orang per ATV (besar)
Rider 15 tahun ke bawah ride berpasangan
Had minima umur (penumpang): 5 tahun dan ke atas
Denai Kabus Agro Adventure Park, Camping & Resort, Kg Pahat Dalam, Gerik, Perak

Post PAC T&C
- Buyers are required to confirm their preferred date with the operator, within 3 days from the date of purchase.
- Buyers can coordinate with the operator to finalise their visit date by reaching out to the operators using the contact number provided in the purchase confirmation email.
- It is important to double-check that your email and phone number are entered correctly to ensure seamless communication.
- If the date cannot be confirmed, you have the option to request a refund from us within 3 days from the date of purchase.
- By making payment, you agree to all the above terms & conditions